"Being Transformed in Christ through Faith, Worship, Witness and Service"
You may visit us in the sanctuary on Sundays at 10am or, if you prefer, you may watch us on Facebook Livestream, or come to the parking lot and listen on your car radio on FM95.9. Kids Rock is available during our Sunday morning service for children K-5th grade.
You may also tune into our local ABC affiliate (or record it for later viewing), on WSET-13 at 7 am on Sundays.
If you are in the Charlottesville viewing area, you may watch the program on the NBC affiliate, WVIR at 5:30 am, and CW-29 at 11 am.
For those in Southwest VA and East TN, we are now on Knoxville's Christian Television Network, WVLR on Sunday morning at 8:30 am and 5:30 pm. Coverage area includes BRISTOL, VA all the way to KNOXVILLE, TN.
We also have Adult Bible Study on Wednesday evening at 7pm in the sanctuary.
Worship with Us
Men's Small Group 8:30 am
Women's Small Group 8:30 am
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Kids Rock (K-5th) 10:00 am
Adult Bible Study 7:00 - 8:00 pm

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