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Children's Ministry


TREASURE ISLAND  (Sep - Mar)   5:45 - 7:30 pm


Our unique and one of a kind TREASURE ISLAND  is designed for 3 years old

through 5th grade.  The program runs September thru March and provides a fun-filled, action packed church program for children regardless of religious affiliation, where they can enjoy fun games and activities, meet new friends and learn about God through His Word, the Bible.  


There is a focus on scripture memorization through a variety of activities.  


We would love to have your child participate as the adventure continues this year with exciting programs for your child.  If you are interested in being a part of this exciting and fun ministry, contact the church at 434.929.1343



New Beginning Tabernacle  
1886 S. Coolwell Road  |  PO Box 449  |  Madison Heights, VA 24572                                                        Office:  434.929.1343       Fax: 434.929.2411


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